Real-time Hydro-Meteorological Information System(HIS)

The real-time Hydro Metrological Information System (HIS) is a real-time data acquisition tool for the decision support system (DSS) and Flood Forecasting. Data collection using automatic sensors interfaced with data collection Platform / Data logger, local display & storage of the data, and real-time data transmission to Data Center are the preliminary functions at remote stations. Reception of the data from the remote station, limit check and validation of received data, display & storage of data, generating alarms, reports, trends for the real-time and historical data, providing real-time and historical data to DSS System for modelling, analysis and streamflow forecasting are the primary functions at Data Center.
Flood Forecasting, Early flood warning & Flood Management
Of all the non-structural measures for flood management which rely on the modification of susceptibility to the flood damages, the one which is gaining increased/sustained attention of the planners and acceptance of the public, is the flood forecasting and warning.
Early warnings are especially extremely valuable in cases of flashy floods which are quite frequent on Himalayan Rivers and their tributaries due to heavy landslides. Likewise, such warnings are also of extremely useful in cases of flooding by cyclones and storms surges in coastal areas parts of country, mainly coastal areas of A.P. Assam, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal experience such cyclones, leading to extensive flooding.
Establishing a viable flood forecasting and warning system for communities at risk requires the combination of data, forecast tools, and trained forecasters. A flood forecast system must provide enough lead time for communities to respond.
For real-time flood forecasting, automation of the spillway gates is not the complete solution. The knowledge of incoming floods in advance, through river level, rain gauge, AWS through the telemetry system is most important. Advance knowledge of flood will help in pre depletion of reservoirs and maintain the Rule Level The main function of a Dam is flood control, and to save the downstream areas from floods, and also the dam security during floods is important.

By maintaining the rule level at Dam, by the advance intimation of incoming floods, the operation of spillway gates at the last moment, threatening the safety of dams and downstream areas is avoided. The entire system should be capable of running on solar power at remote locations, as there is no power availability at these locations and very high instances of load shedding.
The basic benefit of a local flood warning program is an increased lead time for watches and warnings at locations subject to flood risk. The information can be used to predict whether a flood is about to occur when it will arrive, and how severe it will be. Organizations and individuals are given notice by the system, so they can protect themselves and their property. Increasing lead time increases the potential to lower the level of damages and loss of life. Forecasts must be sufficiently accurate to promote confidence so that communities will respond when warned.
Irrigation Planning and Irrigation Network Management System

Improvisation in the implementation of Irrigation Pan can only be achieved by precision measurement, monitoring and control of the regulating structures in the canal network. It is also required to establish the system for data & information exchange among the stakeholders and irrigation managers for optimum, equitable and timely water distribution within the canal network.
To achieve the participatory irrigation management it is envisaged to deploy various IT tools like Geographical Information System (GIS) for collection, analysis and display geospatial information, high resolution satellite imagery in graphical form; Irrigation Network Management Information System (INMIS) for Farmer Information, Land Parcel Data, Soil Health Data, Crop data, Water demands, Water Billing& Revenue, Weather parameters, well data; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Simulation, Monitoring and Control of Canal Regulation Structures; Centralized Master Control Station, Remote monitoring stations and Farmer information Kiosk forming data dissemination system.
Although in India the major consumer of water is irrigated agriculture, the demands for various other competing and conflicting purpose are ever increasing, ensuring water supplies in sufficient quantity and desired quality, properly distributed in time and space has become a complex task. Water resources planning and management have become multidisciplinary in nature requiring coordination among various Government and non-Government agencies concerned with water. Making optimum use of water resources has long engaged human effort but it is only in the recent time that, it has taken the form of integrated water resources development and management. Irrigation network management studies and systems implemented till date has the monotonous approach and needs to be participatory, comprehensive, and collective and farmer concentric. Moto should be “More Crop per Drop”
Preliminarily, Irrigation planning shall be based on the available resources, its demand or requirement and equitable distribution within the stakeholders. For the proper planning precision measurement of various parameters in real-time mode are a must. It is observed that most of the canal irrigation systems use non-authenticated historian data for irrigation planning and there is no real time measurement system in place. Additionally, conventional measurement devices for water level and open channel flow available worldwide does not have real-time recording facilities and need to be monitored manually causing errors. It is essential to select and/or design tools and sensors for the measurement of water levels and open channel flow having interfacing with the data logging facilities and data communication networks. Technology advancements in measurement techniques, deployment of advanced computing, simulation and communication technologies in need of the time for better irrigation planning which can be achieved by installing fully automated integrated gates for canal turnouts and off-take points.
Smart City Water Supply – Utility Water Management System
Utility water management platform empowers a water utility to manage the dynamic and complex grid of water supply and distribution system. It provides an integrated solution to all domains of an urban water supply grid and water management. It combines the water SCADA, Geospatial Analysis (GIS), Predictive Business Analytics, Management Information system and database management. Utility water management system performs the following
⦁ Pumping station automation
⦁ ESR/GSR water level monitoring and control
⦁ Pressure monitoring in pipeline
⦁ Water Quality parameter monitoring
⦁ Automation of Water treatment and Sewerage treatment plant
⦁ Automation of chemical dosing
⦁ Water audit for entire network
⦁ Energy audit for Pumping station
⦁ Automatic Meter Readings (AMR)
⦁ MIS for consumer water billing and mobile app

Geographical Information System

The Geographical Information system is useful for water resource management to analyze the geographic distribution of water resources. Geographic information system provides a broad range of tools for determining area affected by floods and for forecasting areas that are likely to be flooded due to a high water level in a river. The GIS database created during the preparedness phase contains agriculture, socio-economic, communication, population, and infrastructural data. This can be used, in conjunction with the flooding data to adopt an evacuation strategy, rehabilitation planning and damage assessment in case of a critical flood situation Water availability for irrigation purposes are properly and efficiently managed using Geographical information system. Irrigation requirements of the crop were determined by considering the factors such as evapotranspiration, Net Irrigation Requirement, Field irrigation Requirement, Gross Irrigation Requirement, and month total volume of water required, by organizing them in the GIS environment. GIS tool also has an exceptional capability to analyze season wise crop pattern and crop yield this enable stakeholder to plan requirement of water use for next season more efficiently.
Enterprise Information Management System(EIMS)
Enterprise Information Management System (EIMS) provides the right information to the right persons at the right time to facilitate making more informed decisions for effective water service delivery in the water resources departments. The main aim of the application is to create an information backbone and information flow arrangements to create water resources departments deliver cost-effective and efficient services. EIMS focuses on the creation and effective use of IT infrastructure and supporting information systems to institutionally strengthen the core functions of water resources departments.
EIMS includes following modules:
⦁ Human Resource Management system
⦁ Asset Management
⦁ Spatial Base Knowledge (GIS)
⦁ Real-time Level Monitoring System
⦁ Flood Control Management System
⦁ Dam Safety
⦁ Water User Association
⦁ Project Management
⦁ Asset Inventory Management System
⦁ Planning & Investigation
⦁ Social Land Acquisition
⦁ Environment Management
⦁ Tender & Procurement
⦁ Contract & Contractor Management System
⦁ Irrigation water Management System (IWMS)
⦁ Finance & Account
⦁ Budget & Planning
⦁ Planning & Investigation
⦁ Research & Development
⦁ Web Portal
⦁ Construction of Projects
⦁ Milestone & Resource tracking
⦁ Electronic Document Management
⦁ System File Tracking
⦁ Library Management System (LMS)
⦁ Information Technology Management (IT)