- General Details
- Features
- Applications
- Documents
MECH-KIOSK is specially designed user friendly data dissemination unit connected to Master Station (Servers) through internet. The touch screen information portal would enable the farmers to access relevant and timely information at the finger tips Develop farmer friendly GIS outputs Integrated with Remote Sensing technology for accessing information about individual and shared resources. Provide farmers new insight on their natural resource base both in space & time GIS, Remote sensing enable farmers to visualize individual and collective resources through individual layers as well as integrated multi thematic maps. Kiosk plays a catalytic and enabling role in ensuring sharing of data by the community and outside world The MECH-KIOSK provides an opportunity to the rural communities to use IT tools in decision making related to water use and cropping system changes.Information Kiosk, to integrate Information Technology, GIS, World Wide Web and communication tolls.Use modeling tools for short/ long term agriculture planning .Software is largely menu driven with easy numeric entry so that it can be operated & maintained by local youth entrepreneurs with minimum qualification Farmers can obtain access to a variety of information through G2C and C2G The information Kiosk provides linkage to other related government departments like land records, registration etc .The information Kiosk & Facilitation center assists the rural communities by providing them with news, information, advice and knowledge that has hitherto been inaccessible to them. This information allows the rural citizens / Farmers to make more informed decisions and deliver the ‘Last Mile ‘of connectivity.
- Customized for Irrigation and water management applications
- Backed by huge data base and algorithms and compatibility with other applications like GIS/MIS etc.
- Fast data analysis and query handling
- Replicability and scalability
- Multi-lingual support
- State of art hardware with high end specification
It serves as tool for establishment of natural resource information knowledge base related to:
- Rainfall
- Surface Runoff
- Ground water data
- Individual farm & soil health details
- Irrigation schedule
- Water requirement & allotment
- Crop details
- Water consumption & Billing
- Data from agriculture commodity Markets
- DSS feedback to forecast production
- Individual farmer level crop plans
- Maintaining log books & disseminated to community
- Modern Irrigation Management system
- City water supply and distribution
- Agriculture GIS, MIS data dissemination